23-12-01 00:00:00
09 Dec 2023
Jeanfield Swifts Jets
3-0Raith Rovers McDiarmid Park
02 Dec 2023
Jeanfield Swifts Jags
0-2Forfar Farmington 14s Riverside Stadium
23-11-01 00:00:00
25 Nov 2023
Arbroath Youth Yellow
9-0Panmure 14s Hercules Den
The Swifts Blues
0-6Dunfermline Athletic Whites Hercules Den
18 Nov 2023
Dunfermline Athletic Whites
0-0Forfar Farmington 14s Queen Anne High School
Jeanfield Swifts Jags
2-1The Swifts Blues Riverside Stadium
11 Nov 2023
Dunfermline Athletic Whites
2-1Jeanfield Swifts Jags Lumphinnans Sports Hub
Panmure 14s
1-5Jeanfield Swifts Jets Carlogie Park
Forfar Farmington 14s
7-0The Swifts Blues Station Park
Raith Rovers
1-3Arbroath Youth Yellow Windmill Community Campus
04 Nov 2023
Panmure 14s
3-4Raith Rovers Carlogie Park
Jeanfield Swifts Jets
2-1Arbroath Youth Yellow Riverside Stadium
23-10-01 00:00:00
21 Oct 2023
Raith Rovers
0-3AwardedPanmure 14s Windmill Community Campus
04 Oct 2023
Raith Rovers
0-7Dunfermline Athletic Whites Windmill Community Campus
Panmure 14s
0-3AwardedJeanfield Swifts Jags Hope Park
23-09-01 00:00:00
23 Sep 2023
Dunfermline Athletic Whites
2-1Arbroath Youth Yellow Lumphinnans Sports Hub
The Swifts Blues
3-2Jeanfield Swifts Jags Dalgety Bay Sports Centre
Jeanfield Swifts Jets
3-0Raith Rovers Riverside Stadium
Forfar Farmington 14s
6-0Panmure 14s Market Muir
21 Sep 2023
Dunfermline Athletic Whites
7-0The Swifts Blues Inverkeithing High School
18 Sep 2023
Forfar Farmington 14s
1-1Arbroath Youth Yellow Forfar Community Campus
16 Sep 2023
Jeanfield Swifts Jags
2-4Dunfermline Athletic Whites McDiarmid Park
Raith Rovers
2-2Forfar Farmington 14s Windmill Community Campus
Panmure 14s
0-1The Swifts Blues Hope Park
Arbroath Youth Yellow
2-2Jeanfield Swifts Jets Hercules Den
13 Sep 2023
Forfar Farmington 14s
5-1Jeanfield Swifts Jets Forfar Community Campus
09 Sep 2023
Arbroath Youth Yellow
0-1The Swifts Blues Hercules Den
Jeanfield Swifts Jets
0-3Jeanfield Swifts Jags Jeanfield Park
02 Sep 2023
Panmure 14s
0-3AwardedDunfermline Athletic Whites Hope Park
Jeanfield Swifts Jags
0-2Forfar Farmington 14s McDiarmid Park
Arbroath Youth Yellow
5-2Raith Rovers Hercules Den
The Swifts Blues
0-1Jeanfield Swifts Jets Ballast Bank Community Centre
23-08-01 00:00:00
30 Aug 2023
Jeanfield Swifts Jets
2-6Dunfermline Athletic Whites McDiarmid Park
Arbroath Youth Yellow
1-0Panmure 14s Hercules Den
Raith Rovers
2-5Jeanfield Swifts Jags Windmill Community Campus
28 Aug 2023
Forfar Farmington 14s
1-0The Swifts Blues Market Muir
19 Aug 2023
Dunfermline Athletic Whites
3-1Forfar Farmington 14s Loch Leven Community Campus
Jeanfield Swifts Jags
2-1Arbroath Youth Yellow McDiarmid Park
Panmure 14s
7-2Jeanfield Swifts Jets Carlogie Park
The Swifts Blues
4-1Raith Rovers Ballast Bank Community Centre
No fixtures available. Check back soon.
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