SWF statement on Clyde Ladies FC

SWF is saddened to receive news from Clyde Ladies FC that the team is folding.

Chief Executive Officer Aileen Campbell said:

“I have been in contact with the team to offer players and staff support.  We are extremely disappointed that our league has lost a team and we risk losing women to football as a direct result of a decision at the men’s club.

“This again raises a number of questions about decision-making in football, which can see women side-lined or women’s clubs treated as an afterthought.  We are proud that the women’s game is growing, but it is fragile.  Without meaningful support, investment and respect women’s football will never realise its full potential.

“I have arranged a meeting with the SPFL and the SFA as I seek to ensure SWF’s priorities for structural change, equality in boardrooms and a respect agenda are not relegated.”

For more info contact Aileen Campbell – aileen@scotwomensfootball.com

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